Automotive Technology - Mt. Pleasant
This class is designed for the student who is interested in learning more about the automobile and how it works. Students will spend time in both the classroom and lab gaining basic knowledge of the automobile. Students will spend time on the following topics: shop safety, tools and usage, basic automotive systems, general auto service , oil changing, cooling system service, bulb replacement, battery service, tire service, muffler service, paint touch up, waxing, interior clean-up, and engine compartment clean-up.
(Automotive Technology is held at the GI-TEC Mt. Pleasant Campus).

Entry Level Careers
(with program completion)
- Auto Detailer
- Automobile Assembler
- Partsperson
- Apprentice Mechanic
- Lube Technician
- Automotive Cleaning/Lot Person
- Entry-Level Service Technician
- Appointment Coordinator
- Apprentice Technician (Auto/Truck)
- Wheel Alignment Technician
- Automotive Parts Recycler
- Dealership Courtesy Driver
What could be the job potential for graduates of the Automotive Technology Program?
Employment, Earnings, and Hours
Automotive Industry Outlook A Chicago Fed Letter highlighting the ongoing adjustments of the automotive work force.
Michigan Works Contact Information (Mt. Pleasant, MI) This website can help you find a job depending on your career path you choose to pursue.
What are some employment opportunities for students just graduating High School?
Available jobs in Mt. Pleasant, MI
Available jobs throughout Michigan
What are so automotive employment opportunities in general?
Available jobs in Michigan
Automotive Dealership occupations in Michigan